Platinum Crypto Academy


Today, almost every social media platform monitors and tracks all user activity to package and sell that data to the highest bidder. They do not precisely disclose the scope of the information they collect. They also know they can get away with it simply because the user agreements that most people unwittingly agree to during sign-up authorize unfettered tracking, collection, and selling of private data and this is where the Somee.Social Platform is different.

What users must understand is that this exploitation of private data has been ongoing for many years. Users cannot see what is happening with their data and cannot control who views, distributes, and ultimately resells their data.

Furthermore, most users do not earn anything for the private data shared about them, nor do they earn other contributions to social media for content posted, time spent, and activity.


When a social network is decentralized, no single proprietary authority holds all that personal data and serves it to users upon request. Instead, the user data is stored homogeneously and in a decentralized way within servers or other storage devices across a network node. As a result, if there is a need for a piece of information, it is pulled from every node and assembled inside the user’s device and granted if they have the private key required to unlock and access that data.

Additionally, anyone has the authority to interact with any individual since the network is federated. So, who gets to control it? Only the one who sets up the network gets to draw the rules for the website’s ethical use and compliance only. That is the only control that they get to exercise.

Hence, decentralized social media networks are attractive to users as they prevent unscrupulous usage and modification of user information/data. Additionally, the control over the content getting published is not in the hands of any single entity, which means users get more freedom to express themselves, and interactions are safeguarded using cryptography, which results in increased security and privacy of data.

Given the above, it is evident that blockchain offers an excellent solution to solve many issues existing within the social media space. So, if you are a crypto enthusiast searching for a blockchain-enabled social media network that also lets you earn cryptocurrency, then SoMee.Social is the answer.


SoMee.Social is a platform that prioritizes user privacy and autonomy. In addition, substantial incentives are built into the platform to encourage user interactions and quality content to cultivate cohesive community building.

SoMee provides several avenues for earning rewards, starting with content monetization, and reward earning options for active participation in the community or for sharing your data if you choose to do so.

SoMee is a blockchain-based platform governed by the existing $SOMEE token (previously $ONG), an advertising system powered by the $SAT (SoMee Advertising) token. In addition, it provides cross-posting, and content rewards with $SME, a HIVE-backed cryptocurrency token.

SoMee token is also the governance token of the network used for suggesting proposals and other governance actions like fact checking and news publishing as well as community moderation. Governance tokens are tokens that developers create to allow token holders to help shape the future of a protocol. Governance token holders can influence decisions concerning the project such as proposing or deciding on new feature proposals and even changing the governance system itself.

SAT-SoMee Advertising Token Explained

SAT, also known as the SoMee Advertising token, is used by advertisers for building campaigns. Users also use this token for staking on their chosen campaigns—this nets ad revenue for the users. $SAT was introduced during an IDO with an initial price of $.005. SoMee predicts that the ad platform will likely be available to advertisers by September 2021.


The SoMee platform runs on the $SOMEE token and $SAT token. SoMee will be integrated with Hive-Engine in the near future in August. With a longer term plan to shift and build on the Cardano blockchain, once smart contracts and IoT smart objects are possible to handle backend hyperscale of kubernetes technology on cloud based infrastructure. These help improve data control, privacy and enable crypto investors to leverage the control (and $SAT) to monetize specific data in SoMee. For example, the social advertisement share system allows brands to purchase $SAT and advertise and later target during the ad campaign, using demographic and geographic targeting methods. It also enables advertisers to enable a setting wherein the target audience can target them in return.

Users who participate can easily share customized data points that bring much value to advertisers and brands that maximize success during the ad campaign. The complete system operates on $SAT, which drives value to every participant within the Advertisement Share system, including end-users, brands, and influencers.

SoMee is also retiring the old GBuck system by replacing it with $SAT. Also, influencers will require $SAT to take part in the SAT Elite campaigns, which bring high monetization figures, along with special perks.

The above incentives help drive a significant amount of utility for $SAT tokens and create higher demand for the stacking of $SATs. In addition, the SoMee platform expands ads and increases the number of influencers participating in these ad campaigns. 


SoMee.Social offers a host of features that make it convenient for those who wish to engage on a monetized social media platform while maintaining control of their data and privacy.


SoMee changes this by allowing users to exercise complete control over how and where content and private data gets distributed while at the same time allowing each user the ability to monetize their data, content, and activity on social media.

All users earn reward points that can be cashed out through partners Tipalti and Skrill via the fiat of choice. Thus, it reduces friction and makes it easy for the average person to use the app as they do not require knowledge about cryptocurrency in order to participate.

For cryptocurrency enthusiasts, SoMee allows for cross-chain posting. This will enable enthusiasts to earn rewards on more than just one blockchain. Our previous beta permitted users to do this via the STEEM blockchain.

The first sidechain that will be available for users to cross-post on the updated site is HIVE. SoMee and HIVE teamed up to bring the world the first Social DEFI ecosystem through the $SME token – which will also power NFTs and post rewards on SoMee.

SoMee.Social also assists brands in acquiring valuable data points via a consent-oriented ad system without exploiting user data. SoMee never packages or shares user data. Instead, the platform allows every user to select the information they wish to share with brands and earn money while doing the same. This way, both the brands and the users are in an advantageous position. Although, users also have the choice to turn ads off altogether if they choose.


Cryptocurrency enthusiasts are searching for a gamified social platform that provides them with ample opportunities to earn; this includes posting content, staking tokens, and curation rewards on the SoMee Social platform. As a result, SoMee has gone up by 12.26% in the past few days. SoMee Social’s CoinGecko rank is at 964, whereas the live market capitalization stands at USD 8,586,167.

With SoMee, you have a voice. And, you have the control. Thus, you can share your content with everyone or no one. That choice is yours. The fact is, once posted, that information is  YOURS. SoMee doesn’t hold any control or rights over your content. You get a place  to use your voice. What you say, that’s entirely on you.

Whether you wish to earn cryptocurrency or even if you wish to own an investment-worthy crypto-token, then $SOMEE and $SAT are undoubtedly the best choices.

SoMee.Social is a unique platform that provides individuals with ample opportunities to interact with reputed social media platforms. Therefore, SoMee has enormous potential for growth and expansion. If you understand how blockchain works and are fond of using social media networks, SoMee is a good option. Even if you are not a crypto-enthusiast, SoMee offers a unified interface that provides easy, quick and hassle-free interaction opportunities with other social media networks. Lastly, since cryptocurrencies are volatile, one can expect SoMee Social to witness growth at an exponential rate once the public takes an interest.


The SoMee incentive-based economy offers users many features, such as posting rewards, verified profiles (through KYC/AML verifications), multi-chain bonuses, HIVE/SME rewards, advertising rewards, and staking, as well as future DEFI elements. SoMee’s primary mission is to protect privacy and control. It’s YOUR content. You have a say on what that content does online. Thus, you have your own voice and a place to speak it. With incentive-based community interactions like upvoting, downvoting, sharing, comments, and future community-based moderation, SoMee also provides for a trusted community that is self-moderated and in control of its content.

So, if you are a cryptocurrency investor keen on earning cryptos for content, curation, and staking, then check out SoMee Social ( now!

Hopefully, you have enjoyed today’s article. Thanks for reading! Have a fantastic day! Live from the Platinum Crypto Trading Floor. 



Earnings Disclaimer: The information you’ll find in this article is for educational purpose only. We make no promise or guarantee of income or earnings. You have to do some work, use your best judgement and perform due diligence before using the information in this article. Your success is still up to you. Nothing in this article is intended to be professional, legal, financial and/or accounting advice. Always seek competent advice from professionals in these matters. If you break the city or other local laws, we will not be held liable for any damages you incur.






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