Platinum Crypto Academy

The World's First Blockchain-Based Solution To Water Scarcity!

The World’s First Blockchain-Based Solution To Water Scarcity!

Millions of people worldwide lack access to water, one of the essential elements of life. In every sphere of life: social, economic, political, and environmental, water scarcity is a serious problem. To address this issue, H2O Securities comes with innovative solutions through its H2O Water Network.

Earlier this month, H2O Securities received a substantial $150M investment from GEM Digital, a $3.4 billion investment firm based in the Bahamas. As a result of this massive investment, GEM Digital now holds H20N tokens, which will be used to fund water delivery infrastructure in remote areas without sufficient supplies. With the revolutionary H2ON token, H2O Water Securities will solve pressing issues related to water security via blockchain. Based on an announcement by H2O Securities, the token was successfully listed on BitMart and ApeSwap on 7th July. 

According to WWF, nearly 1.1 billion people lack access to water and 2.7 billion experience water scarcity at least once a year. Due to the growing scarcity of water worldwide, H2O Securities saw a critical need to speed up the construction of new water plants. Traditionally, water plants have lacked funding due to legacy or outdated approval mechanisms. As a solution to speed up the funding of new water plants, H2O Securities has created a new finance model that utilizes blockchains, tokenization, and smart contracts. Because blockchain’s true potential has not yet been utilized to finance a world water crisis, H2O Securities took the initiative. As a result, they can now reach more investors globally and make decisions about water projects faster than they could through traditional methods.

The use of blockchain technology will directly empower global participation, and people worldwide will be able to actively participate in the deployment of more water infrastructure projects and connected services. Additionally, smart contracts can automate risk management, which is otherwise impossible with traditional finance models.

As sustainable water management requires water conservation and efficiency, H2O Water Network will prioritize improving water infrastructure. With a wealth of experience and expertise in operating and deploying water plants, H2O Water Securities ensures the best infrastructure is in place. As sustainable water management requires water conservation and efficiency, H2O Water Network will prioritize improving water infrastructure.

About H2O Water Network

H2O Water Network connects real-world water production plants to the blockchain. As a result of putting a blockchain into place, H2O Water Network connects global engineering and procurement resources – all of whom are participants and contributors. The H2ON Token enables a reward mechanism for both these resources and token holders who facilitated the connection of water plants to the network.

The H2ON Token value is driven directly via immutable smart contracts that purchase H2ON from the markets in 24hr cycles. These smart contracts are connected via IoT to real-world water plants. Through smart contracts, water production plants can purchase H2ON tokens daily with stable currency (USDT). Tokens are purchased for every 1000 liters of water produced. As a result, the more water plants connected to the network, the more tokens purchased, resulting in an infinite demand for H2ON Tokens.

The Editor-in-Chief of Cryptonaire Weekly, Mr. Karnav Shah, stated the potential of the H2O Securities Project, ” Water scarcity continues to be an issue throughout the world. H2O Securities has come up with an amazing project using blockchain technology to help solve the issue of water scarcity. H2ON aims to expand water availability worldwide by accelerating water infrastructure investments. With its focus on solving water problems worldwide, the project appears to be very promising.”

Speaking about the H2o Securities Project, Editor in Chief at Cryptonaire Weekly, Mr. Karnav Shah quoted, “H2o Securities stands out among the crowd of other crypto projects and the gains from future upside will be a bonus for the investors”.

Hopefully, you have enjoyed today’s article. Thanks for reading! Have a fantastic day! Live from the Platinum Crypto Trading Floor.

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